Monday, May 14, 2012

Narthana Vinayagarin Nithya Natyam

I have always been fascinated by how many different kinds of pullayar idol we see these days. Somehow I was attracted to this cute pose of Lord Ganesha dancing. At once I knew what I had to do :-) The peace and happiness one gets in watching a design come to life in colors is something to be experienced. I am not so good with words and hence do not know to elaborate. This little Narthana Vinayagar will be a gift for one of my dearest uncle.

Bala Murugan Thunai

One of my dearest friend had his birthday last week and I wanted to give him something special. While he was visiting his friends in DC I thought why should I not try and do a painting of Lord Murugan his family deity. I immediately felt it was the right thing to do and finished this painting within two days. He loved it and has kept it in his pooja room and I am totally honored by that :-)

Yenna thavam seithanai Yashodha

Few weeks back I got this urge to start painting again and have been wanting to do Yashodha Krishna in Tanjore style for a long time. Found a beautiful design. Unlike in India where I could get printed design on the glass itself here the biggest challenge for me is to draw the design on the glass. The liner I get in Michaels is too difficult for me to use and my search landed me on the perfect tube liner in amazon. I was so excited like a two year old who found a candy bar. As they say practice makes things perfect, I thought let me start on it first and made this painting for my best friend :-) Yet to give it to her but loves it already so am happy.